email, from Mitch, one of many
...your INS case #, and the case # for your previous interactions with Congressman Udall's office? Do you know of any germane documents that Miriam may have? She said (for me or you) to let her know, so she can go retrieve them from the storage unit. If you need encouragement, see Crystal's blog comments. She thinks it will make a good story, too. For how much longer is your visa valid? You probably know by now that Chris, Don, Miriam and I have been calling all over the place trying to find a way in to the INS. Miriam just summed it up best: The INS is impenetrable. I've called Mr. Reskiner four times and left two messages. His answering machine message says calls will usually be returned on Thursday and Friday. Unless, apparently, he doesn't feel like it. Don has tried to get in through his CIS friends in NJ and DC; they were able to dig up an audit trail on your fingerprints (I-600?), no problem, but couldn't figure out how to get the embassy to accept them. Miriam has also called Bingaman's office. I called the local office for Rep. Udall; they want me to fill out the papers (a letter and the Casework and Privacy Form) which you told me about, so it will take awhile. Even so, Miriam recommended I "get on that". Don wants to know why the embassy can't accept the fingerprints when the FBI said they were fine. You already know the bureaucratic answer, but it does raise the question of whether or not we can get a congressperson to lean on the embassy. Anyway, any ideas are welcome. Tonight and this weekend I may just go rifling through your papers to see what I can find. Hang tough! Try to enjoy the ride. Air sick bags are in the seatback in front of you. -- Mitch
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