The Den Hartog Stork

Meeting Baby Den Hartog.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Decorations and Romance – a tour of the apartment

The apartment and the stores have pretty, romantic figurines. Our entry way has two artistically lit large cubbies in which little figurines lead a blissful life. My (Mitch doesn’t get any dresser drawers :) ) dressing table has a figurine of a woman enjoying her dressing. The kitchen window has a fish.

The fish may be a decanter. I am not sure. It has a glass plug in the top and it is hollow. Quite decanter like.

In the living room, a column of builtin cubbies uses the space quite nicely. A set of drinking cups in the shape of small fish dance neophytically around their large priest fish the decanter. And a painting of a horse occupies the cubby below.

Elephant pictures somehow go above the bed. Can’t explain the allegory for that one. Could be a leftover.

There are leftovers here, too. English/Spanish language Dawn dishwashing soap. Shampoo for treated hair, in Russian. El testamento and Un pasado de amor (genuine Harlequin) promise something in a large white plantation mansion and a modern man plus woman on their covers, respectively. For instance, page 63 of El testamento offers the phrase “Sexualidad. ?No es eso, tia Betty?” for our subtitling/speculation/complete guessing entertainment.

Some embossing kits for notecards and some wrapping paper suggest the ritual of gift giving and other adoptive families.

I doubt that the fiber optic party toy centerpiece is part of the standard apartment supply.

The tiddly winks game has not drawn us in yet, and being only week one (although gone already!) the horridly insipid kitten face jigsaw puzzle hasn’t gotten a second look from me.

You do realize that the computer plays movies and has jigsaw puzzles on it as well. And as long as the recharger (and the anyDVD license) holds out, I can ignore the fantasy kitten.

I would never throw it out however, and have sighted a place in City Market that sells jigsaw puzzles. Just in case.
With bonus garden gnome.


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